This concert was originally scheduled for March 29th, 2020. As of March 15th, the Center for Disease Control has officially recommended no gatherings over fifty people. This advice, combined with the rise of confirmed cases in Austin over the summer, resulted in our decision to postpone the Young Composer Concert. Though we had hoped to avoid this, safety is paramount, and slowing the spread of this virus is key. We have postponed the concert to August 23rd. The concert will be held virtually via YouTube with video and audio editing by Jordan Walsh. Please consider purchasing tickets on Eventbrite or making a donation to Golden Hornet to help offset our loss of revenue from in-person ticket sales. We appreciate your patience during this pandemic and hope that you and yours are staying safe!
Golden Hornet's fifth annual Young Composer Concert will feature new music composed by young musicians from Austin between the ages of 8 and 18. The composers will be interviewed on stage, and have their pieces performed by local, professional ensemble Tetractys. This concert is collectively produced by the program participants under the guidance of Golden Hornet's experienced staff and hosted by Graham Reynolds.
Featuring Works by:
Aiden Giroux
Avi Beskrowni
Besa Carney
Finn Dickens
Fiona Gehrke
Helen Lundy
Jasper Hovenweep
Jonah KeounLayne Simmons-Hughes
Leah Rutman
London Thomas
Mack Hoxie
Noah Henson
Olivia Gutierrez
Polaron Posadas
Somesh Yatham
Sulayman Bowles
Tanner Walterman
Tetractys is:
Violin - Christabel Lin
Cello - Matt Armbruster
Flute - Nicholas Goodwin
Clarinet - Iván Javier Valbuena Páez
Piano - Peir-Shiuan Tang
Percussion - Chris Demetriou
Event Banner Graphic Design by Fiona Gehrke, Jasper Hovenweep & London Thomas
Golden Hornet is an Austin-based nonprofit which commissions new works, supports young and emerging composers, and presents adventurous works in non-traditional settings. Golden Hornet - and this event - are supported in part by the Cultural Arts Division of the City of Austin Economic Development Department.